Saturday 14 February 2009

The Hanks Review Stakeholder Group Report

On January 27th 2009 I wrote to the ACA Review Board
(Submission_Review@WorkCover) and asked them..........

Dear Sir/Madam,

Could you please inform me of when the recommendations made by the
stakeholder group will be available? Also, what is or will be the time frame
on implementing any suggested changes?

Your Sincerely
Workcover Victims Victoria.

This was the response received today Friday 13th, February 2009 from

Dear WCV's,

Thank you for your email. Following extensive consultation with stakeholders
representing workers, employers, the legal and medical profession, Mr Peter
Hanks QC delivered his final report to the Accident Compensation Act Review
to the Minister for WorkCover.

The report contains 151 recommendations for change made by Mr Hanks.

The report was publicly released in September 2008, and the Minister for
WorkCover endorsed a further short consultation process to ensure stakeholder
views had been adequately and accurately captured throughout the course of
Mr Hanks’ review process. ( This would be fine if injured workers were
involved in the process)

It is now a matter for Government to determine the nature and timing of its
response to Mr Hanks’ report and the recommendations it contains.

A copy of Mr Hank’s report is available online at or a hard copy can be sent to you
(Ive had mine since its release)

Please do not hesitate to contact the Review Team on (03) 9091-4277
if you require further assistance.

Kind Regards,
Accident Compensation Act Review Secretariat

If this is the type of response being received by injured workers who have
a stake in these decisions then, all hope is lost! We are dealing with morons!

All Ms Maciejewski told me in the above email was what I already knew as
most of usthat have been effected do?

I know when the report was published and that the stakeholder group was
consulted but what I wanted to know which was could you please inform me
of when the recommendations made by the stakeholder group will be available
and what is or will be the time frame on implementing any suggested changes
was completely

Injured Workers have the right to know when this stakeholder groups report
will be available and the governments time frames on implementation and
the processes? So, when are we going to be told?

After Tiny Tim has already got them in place with a few quick amendments!

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