Saturday 7 March 2009


From the Minister for Workcover
Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Victorian workplace safety will be even stronger following the Brumby
Government’s response to a review of the landmark Occupational Health and
Safety Act 2004. Minister for Finance, WorkCover and the TAC Tim Holding
said the Government had accepted the majority of the review’s
recommendations to ensure Victoria remains a leader in workplace safety.

“The response I am releasing today fulfils a commitment made by the
Government to review the legislation to ensure it is working effectively,”
Mr Holding said.“This review confirms that the legislation introduced in 2004
provides the right framework for Victorian businesses and workers.”Mr Holding
said the recommendations required WorkSafe Victoria to undertake
changes of an operational nature.WorkSafe has already implemented
or is in the process of implementing many of the recommendations in
the review.“The review overwhelmingly shows the implementation of the
legislation has been a smooth process, but fine tuning of operational matters
will further assist workers and employers,” Mr Holding said.

Mr Holding said the Government fully supported the review’s
recommendations relating to:

Improved resolution of safety issues in the workplace;
Revised guidance for workplace consultation;
Greater flexibility and support for workplace representation; and
Providing improved certainty around compliance requirements.

The Government’s response also committed to greater protection of employees
who raise OHS issues.“Employees and their OHS representatives have an
important role in ensuring that safety issues are identified before they
become a problem and supporting these roles will lead to further
improvements in workplace safety,” he said.

The review was completed after extensive consultation with trade unions
and employer associations.

It was conducted by Mr Bob Stensholt MP, who also led the consultation
process following Mr Chris Maxwell QC’s review of the 1985 Act.“I would
like to thank Mr Bob Stensholt MP for the outstanding contribution he
made in conducting this important review,” he said.

The review report was released in December 2007 and it can be found,
along with the Government’s response at:

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