Thursday 13 August 2009

Channel 9 to let Jeff Kennett view 60 Minutes suicide story

The herald Sun
Written By: Mark Dunn
August 13, 2009

MORE than a week after launching a fight to keep a controversial 60 Minutes
story on teenage suicides off the air, Jeff Kennett will watch the program.
Mr Kennett and his beyondblue foundation have objected on the grounds the
program could spark copycat suicides, but no one outside Channel 9 has
actually seen the program.

A Supreme Court judge yesterday adjourned a fight over an injunction
stopping its broadcast until tomorrow, which will give the complainants,
now including the Department of Education, time to decide whether a
compromise can be reached.

A Channel 9 source said Mr Kennett, beyondblue and Department of Education
officials would be invited by the network to view the proposed Searching for
Answers program.

"We took the view that rather than slog through the injunction process and
have all sorts of misinformation running around, it was likely more sensible and
for the greater good to get all the stakeholders together and view the story," a
Nine source said.

"That way we're all on the same page and everyone knows exactly what they
are talking about. Then, subject to it being achievable, if Mr Kennett and others
still have valid reservations or worse, we can perhaps work through them and
get a consensus.

"Plainly, though, the issue is sensitive and difficult, and everyone knew that at
the start. That's why 60 Minutes took great care and sought the confidence
and support of the parents (of the suicide victims)."

Mr Kennett's fellow objector, psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg, said although he
would welcome an opportunity to assess the segment, he maintained that any
focus on the specific series of suicides in regional Victoria that it highlights would
increase the risk of copycat acts.

ANYONE with personal problems can call Lifeline on 131 114;
Victorian Statewide Suicide Helpline on 1300 651 251

WCV's: You've got to be "JOKING"

Jeff kennett has caused more depression in Australia than any other person,
I have met or know !

So him intervening or thinking he is a leader in depression knowlege is a joke!

Kennett has no medical training to be making any decisions in this issue and I'm
disgusted in the fact that "anyone" is looking to him for his opinion when in
actual fact he has done nothing but add to the amount of people suffering from
depression due to his workcover changes which left injured workers without the
right to sue for thier injuries.

So Mr Kennet keep your big un-educated nose out of things that don't concern

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