Friday 19 June 2009

Rudd vs Kennett vs Turnbull in Misleading Parliament.

If Kevin Rudd can be hauled over the coals for misleading the
Parliament then why hasn't Jeff Kennett?

We all know what he did so why hasn't he been held accountable?

I wrote to Mr Turnbull about this issue and he hasn't even bothered
to write or email back, so I'm amused at his pathetic attack on Ruddy
over a bloody car, when he knows that Jeff Kennett lied and altered
Workcovers figures that were bought before the Parliament to get his
changes through to the Accident Compensation Act.

So why is Turnbull kicking up a shit storm over nothing when in fact
he has been asked numerous times on why he hasn't acted over Kennett's
Misleading the Parliament?

Come on Turnbull, get real and pull your head out of your butt!
If you want to do something about MP's misleading Parliament then
deal with Kennett!

1 comment:

wanting a fairgo said...

Serious Injury Certificate i won fourcaes but the only one i need i lost over a pack of lies i was told that i faild to marrages and i was a drugo sir i never took any pills befor i hurt my back the night befor i hurt my back i was told my little brother was braindead in hospital and i was a mess that day of the coust caes but befor the coutscaes i was told by me QC just to say yes no or cant remmber so i did but as i was siting there i was picking up all the lies and to scard to stick up for myself i'm no liea sir and no nut just been hurt alot in life and i'm not to brigh as i have had no schooling but i'm still a person i just dont understand out of all the courtscases i won the only one i needed it i lost over lies i went in there for my back sir but it was like this is your life thay even hit that low to bring my mum and dad in it but both are dead all i'm asking is for a fairgo here if the pain is in my head then why now has my doctor put me on cancer pills thats how strong my pills are now sir i'm on oxynorm and oxycontin my doctor said to keep fighting as i have been wrongy missed judged please helpme as i'm at a lost to were to go to get the truth told and i wont give up my lawyes have dump me the only thing i have even did wrong in life sir is trusting and careing for ppl. I'm no unfit mum I'm not a nut I'm no drugo as
that QC put it and I wont let it rest till the people know the truth about
myer's.and workcover And now im sending it all around the world till someone listens to
me. People don't care about people no more only money. Well in my eyes we
were all put here to help each other but some how money has made people forget and to get a phone call say if
I had $40.000 they could help me they knew my Lawyers I could never come up with that money. But the part I don't understand is it was a no win no charge so why did my lawyers after wining four courts cases keep fighting for me I was just dumped and he also said the only reason I
lost my case is that I got a Jeff kennit judge
I feel like sometimes I was put here just to be
kicked around I don't go out much now only to the shops that's about it i sit
here crying mose days just waiting for my pills to kick in to stop the pain and QBE just wont get of my back trying to stop my help around the house i dont thing i can take much more please help me i keep wrighting to mr rudd and and the judge but this is all i get back Dear Ms Frew,

As previously advised, your correspondence has been bought to the attention
of His Honour Judge Duggan.please help me