Friday 19 June 2009

Legal Services Commissioner - I'm fed up wasting my time!

Recently I wrote to the LSC requesting an FOI.

Today I got a response back and they have also informed me that they have
lost a file created by the RPA which included my original complaint.

Now, as I have been complaining about some legal services here in Vic for
some time I would have thought that to make any fair and just decision
about anyone's complaint the LSC would require all files and evidence before
they actually make their decisions.

Well it seems with this happening, they don't!

How can they make a just decision when they don't have all the facts and then,
to top it off it seems they never even investigated the conduct issues I had raised
and this was why I wrote to them in the first place so what is the LSC doing?

These toothless tigers have to go!!!!!!

UPDATE: I received the FOI from the LSC today June 22nd and guess what?
The documents I requested were not provided.

All they did was copy the correspondence I had sent them, and sent me a copy!

How ridiculous !

This document has not provided what I asked for, actually it provided nothing
I didn't already have and again was a total waste of time!

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