Thursday, 9 April 2009

Taking Action: Speaking Out

A post from PDM
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dear Readers,
We really need more truth out there about the cause and effect of simply
being injured at work and put through this unfair "worksafe" "workcover"
system.The reason VWA Worksafe/ Workcover & Employers Insurers etc
are getting away with it is by spending lots of money on looking good and
making injured workers appear to be bad people or lazy, via advertising and
the media.

The public really needs education on the facts and reality of this system
to understand what it really entails for individuals who are injured at
work.In order for any changes to happen, we need to tell others what has
happened to us in the hope that they read it and tell someone else.It is the
only hope we have. We cannot sit down and say nothing and expect things
to change for the better. If the general public understood what the facts were
they would not stand for it so changes would have to be made.

As it stands now.. more and more legislations are going to be written
and have been written to make the system worse and worse.
The parliament will not help us. They will not listen to us because it is
not about human beings it is only about profit.
So please, start submitting your stories, issues, results of how u
feel since being treated this way. What you had before and do not have now.
How did it effect your family. How does it feel to be lied about by IME's?

So please, take the time to write to us, so that you can be a cog in the
wheel of change, enlightenment and education for other injured and
non injured workers.

Thank you,PDM

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