Saturday 7 March 2009

It's been a bad month for workplace safety "Mr Merritt"

Posted Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:14am AEDT

WorkSafe says it's alarmed at the number of workplace accidents in Victoria
this week.

Two linesmen received electric shocks and were badly burned while working
at Geelong yesterday.

The accident comes after a man was crushed to death at a metal factory in
Brooklyn on Wednesday.

WorkSafe Victoria's spokesman, Eric Windholz, says January is traditionally
bad for accidents. He says employers should use January to ensure the
workplace and workers are safe."Most people get killed or injured doing things
they've done hundreds of times, and it's usually just a lack of attention either
by the employer or the worker," he said."Starting up again in the New Year is
a perfect time to review the hazards of the workplace, and make sure you're
starting the New Year on a safe footing."

WCV's: Its still not good enough worksafe, we still have workers dying !

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