Tuesday 8 July 2008

The employers do it again!

Yesterday, I was made aware that my husbands ex - employers were at it again!
I have repeatedly asked the VWA to step in and enforce the workplace legislation
with this employer but they constantly ignore my requests.

Now this has happened

Case 6
A worker was injured while out on a job.
He hit his head and severely injured his neck.
Others present at the accident site called the boss and told him what had
happened and that an ambulance was required.
The manger decided that an ambulance was not to be called and the
manager attended the accident scene himself.
This manager then made the injured worker get out of the vehicle he had
been injured in when the worker clearly could not do without a great deal
of pain. This manager then drove this injured worker some distance in
his car before medical help was obtained. The injured worker was hospitalised
and has also been hospitalised again since due to this injury.
This manager then hid this incident from his superiors and they were only
informed when the workers injuries declined again.

The lack of knowledge of this incident by the employers from their manager
was unreasonable and unethical but, the workplace legislation states that the
employers are responsible for their employees and any injuries that they
may cause therefore the responsibility lies with this employer.

My question is; what is workcover doing about this breach of the legislation?

The employers are responsible for their managers actions so, are worksafe
enforcing this? I would take a rough guess and assume they are not!

If workcover dont make this employer responsible for their empolyees
actions;then it leaves the injured workers no recourse for their injuries,
unfair dismissal, and constructive dismissal. This behaviour is unacceptable
and a clear breach of our workplace legislation.

I would love to name and shame this employer but, I know that I would
be opening up a can of worms to do so. So I wont but, I can tell you their
stories of dirty play and maybe one day workcover will listen!

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