Sunday 26 February 2012

WorkCover Deficit Falls by $266 million in Six Months - Michael Daley MP Minister for Police Minister for Finance

Thursday 6th, May 2010

Minister for Finance Michael Daley today announced a drastic improvement
in the WorkCover Scheme’s financial position in the six months to 31
December 2009.

Mr Daley said that the latest valuation result indicates that the WorkCover
Scheme deficit has been reduced by $266 million.

“That is an 18 per cent reduction over just six months,” Mr Daley said.

“This result was driven by increased investment values and positive investment

“It is further proof of the WorkCover Scheme investment strategy’s strength
and resilience in the face of the global financial crisis,” he said.

Mr Daley said that he was also pleased to see that New South Wales
work injury rateshave improved.

“Fewer workers compensation  claims were made last financial year than
in any year since the Scheme commenced in 1987,” he said.

“The State Labor Government has reduced all workers compensation
premium rates by an average 30 per cent since 2005.

“That reduction has led to a saving for businesses of more than $970 million in
2010/11 alone.

“The NSW Government will continue to manage the WorkCover Scheme
so as to maintain and build on these achievements.

“We will continue to deliver real benefits to NSW employers, injured workers
and the State’s economy,” Mr Daley said.

Contact: Carissa Simons (0417 348 659)

Supplied by Graeme Thomas

1 comment:

emilly said...

the state government took good action. compensation and premium rates are more important to labours. alcohol rehab centers