Tuesday 1 September 2009

Minister fell 100 metres down icy peak

Tim Holding was taken to the Alfred hospital but is expected to be released
within 24 hours. (AAP: Julian Smith)Victorian Water Minister Tim Holding
has described how he became lost afterfalling 100 metres down a ridge while
hiking in Victoria's alpine region.Tim Holding was reunited with his family
earlier today after being found aliveon Mt Feathertop, where he survived two
nights alone in sub-zero conditions.Mr Holding was enjoying a hike on Mt
Feathertop when he slipped on a track,suffering minor cuts and bruises.

Paramedic Steve Grove said the minister told emergency authorities that he
became lost after his mountain slide."Apparently [he] fell on the Sunday
morning or slipped down the side of theridge for about 100 metres and that
is when he started to realise he was startingto get into trouble," Mr Grove said.

But Mr Grove said the minister was in excellent spirits despite his ordeal."His
condition is very good considering he's been out in the elements for thelast two
and a half days. He's got a few cuts and grazes, that's about it," he said."He's been
very well protected from the weather, so he's in very good conditionall things
considered."Mr Holding was spotted from the air this morning on a mountain
spur. He wassitting next to a rough shelter that he had made and waved to rescuers.

Mr Holding, who was reported missing on Sunday night after he failed to complete
his solo hike, was then winched to safety by a police helicopter.Waiting for rescuers

The ABC's helicopter pilot, Ian White, says Mr Holding appeared to have been
waiting to be rescued."They found him on the spur. It looked like he'd made a
little bit of a shelterwith a couple of braches and some rough stack.

The police obviously located him, so I went and rigged for a winch," he said.
Mr Grove says Mr Holding's preparations for the hike helped him survive the
sub-zero conditions.

"He's extremely well prepared. He had let people know where he's gone,"he said.
"He was in good physical condition and he had good environmental things withhim,
as in food, water clothing, that sort of thing. So he's done everything correct.

"Mr Holding was taken to the Alfred hospital but is expected to be released within
24 hours.Meanwhile, the parents of Mr Holding, have defended their son's decision
to gohiking alone in difficult conditions.His parents, Bruce and Caroline Holding, told
a news conference he did not doanything wrong by hiking to the summit alone.

"He does so many things, he does marathons on his own," Mrs Holding said.
Bruce Holding added: "I looked at the book - they had a photo of the book that
was at the car park where he did the right thing and logged it - and of the five
entries you could read, three of them were on their own and they were on the
same day or the day before. So I don't think it's unusual if people go hiking on
their own.

"The minister's partner, Ellen Whinnett, says he was trying to attract
the attentionof police and media helicopters in the area."He wasn't aware that
he'd been seen, he could see you guys, I guess, in yournews choppers and you
weren't near where he was and he was getting verydisheartened," she said.
"But when that chopper came overhead, he was very happy to see that.

"The Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, says he is relieved the Mr Holding has been
found.Mr Rudd says the past two days have taken a huge toll on Mr Holding's
familyand friends."Our hearts have been in our mouths as we've waited for
news these last coupleof days. It's been an extraordinary toll on his family,
friends and his partner,"he said.

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