Thursday 5 January 2012

Workplace Bullying

Liberal Website  05/01/12
The concerns about the Bullying Code of Practice in the harmonisation of
Occupational Health and Safety laws are yet another reason why the laws
should have been delayed Senator Abetz said today.

“As of January 1, for more than half of Australians these laws came
into effect – but we’ve got many parts, like the bullying code of practice,
that are yet to be finalised,” Senator Abetz said.

“It doesn’t help anyone to have a half finished job as the law of the land.”

"Minister Shorten must prove beyond doubt that his becoming Workplace
Relations Minister is not being used by him to act out his unfulfilled ambition
to become ACTU Secretary.”

“I have asked questions at Senate Estimates about bullying in the workplace
and welcome the concentration on stamping out workplace bullying however
the Government are sending a very mixed signal when on the one hand they
condemn bullying and on the other hand are abolishing the key agency specifically
set up to deal with bullying, thuggery and illegal activity in the building and
construction sector.”

“If the Government were consistent, they would keep the ABCC as is and
step up the campaign against workplace bullying,” Senator Abetz concluded.

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