Sunday 3 January 2010

WorkSafe Victoria slammed in employee survey.

16 November 2009

A damning review of WorkSafe Victoria has revealed staff are stressed out and hold a dismal view of their employer.

The survey, leaked to The Age newspaper, polled the 25-strong investigations division which researches workplace deaths, major incidents and legal breaches by companies.

Ironically, it found fewer than 33% in the division believe senior managers are concerned about employee health and safet

Nearly 66% of the staff in the division say they are concerned about excessive pressure in their job, while less than half believe the authority maintains high ethical standards.
Staff were critical of WorkSafe’s ability to deliver on its organisational values, with more than half saying the department is not open and honest in its operations.

Divisional satisfaction is far below that of a benchmark WorkSafe survey, which found 76% of workers believe senior managers care about employee health and safety.

WorkSafe spokesman Michael Birt says the survey reflected "difficult management decisions" undertaken shortly before the survey was completed in May.

Mr Birt told WorkSafe has committed extra resources, including new staff, to support the unit.

"You can ignore employees' concerns and take the easy way out or decide to do something about it."


M H said...

I think employee is very integral part for any business You can not ignore employees' concerns and take the easy way out or decide to do something about it." that is why employee surveys is so important.

Michael Coates said...

Well it is so important for the to make the friendly workplace for employee. There should not be stress. If there is any stress then there is need to conduct to employee surveys to adopt a appropriate workplace stress management tool.