Wednesday 2 December 2009

Workplace watchdog 'needs a shake-up'

Amanda Bresnan says the ACT's health and safety laws need to be better enforced. (ABC News : File image )
The ACT Greens say the Territory's workplace safety watchdog has been performing poorly and needs a shake-up.

The Government decided it would review WorkCover last month and tabled the terms of reference in the Legislative Assembly yesterday.

The watchdog has been fiercely criticised following safety scares at the Mitchell Resource Centre and the Gunghalin Drive Extension.

Greens MLA Amanda Bresnan says the Territory has progressive health and safety laws but they need to be enforced.

She says WorkCover needs to be more responsive. "There are some concerns about its capacity to handle workplace health and safety complaints," she said.

But Attorney-General Simon Corbell says the criticisms are unfair.

Mr Corbell says he commissioned a review of WorkCover because he wants to make sure it can effectively enforce the new Work Safety Act.

He says the review will help the Government decide whether it needs to increase WorkCover's funding or change its structure. "That's why I've commissioned this review, I did that on my own initiative," he said.

"That review is now well underway and that will give us the tools we need and the information we need to make sure WorkCover can do its job properly."

The Government says the review will be finished by the end of the year.

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