Friday 4 September 2009

Dairy factory on notice after work death

A Goulburn Valley dairy factory has been told to change some of its work
practices after the death of an employee this week.

The 52-year-old man from Rushworth was crushed by a one-tonne salt bag
at the Fonterra cheese plant at Stanhope, in northern central Victoria, on Tuesday.

Michael Birt from WorkSafe Victoria says the bags were stacked on top of
each other, but that practice is now prohibited. He says some safety procedures
at the factory need to be improved.

"The improvement notice is requiring them to develop a safer system of
work in relation to storing the salt because they can't stack it three high in
these bales which are about a metre tall," he said.

"It's symptomatic of what happens in typical cases after this, we look at it
and we find the systems need to be further improved.

"Our aim is to get safety improvements happening sooner rather than later
and if those improvement notices are dealt with promptly everyone's life moves on."

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