Monday 13 July 2009

Former MP Gordon Nuttall 'in denial' says crown in summing up

Sarah Elks July 13, 2009
Article from: The Australian

FORMER Queensland government minister Gordon Nuttall is a man "trying
to quieten the better angel of his conscience", a court has been told.Crown
prosecutor Ross Martin SC began summing up the prosecution case against
Mr Nuttall, a former Beattie government minister, who has pleaded not guilty
to receiving 36 secret commissions worth $360,000 from wealthy coalminers.

Mr Martin told the Brisbane District Court jury that Mr Nuttall had been in
denial in believing that he was doing nothing wrong in accepting the payments.
Mr Martin asked the jury to think about Mr Nuttall's mindset, saying it was that
of a man who had sold his soul.

Earlier, Mr Nuttall's barrister John Rivett had argued his client had done
nothing wrong in accepting the payments."(The payment) was exceptional
and it was different but that doesn't mean it was corrupt," Mr Rivett told the

The trial continues this afternoon.

WCV's: Unbelievable, even our pollies are crooked! No wonder we dont get
anywhere with them, there all too busy taking bribes!

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