Thursday 25 June 2009

Where are they?

Where are all the Lawyers with balls gone?

I have had many emails form injured workers who cannot get legal
representation for their workcover claims due to the expenses being charged
by law firms across the country.

I have heard of some costs being in the vicinity of $40,000, being charged
upfront for cases that take a bit more work than the norm.
(the lawyers don't want a case they actually have to work on)

I myself have experienced this and I have found that due to my claim
being complex that I cannot get legal representation for the same reasons.
( I have no money)

So, if our court system allows us our day in court then why do we have
lawyers only taking on cases they know they can win or are open and shut?

These same lawyers are also approached by an injured workers who case is a bit
more difficult and they run like hell and then they out price themselves knowing
that the injured workers cannot afford to pay.( Problem solved)

So we don't have our day in court or our stories told or heard we are just
left on the pack to rot, No money, No Justice!

Why aren't more lawyers doing more pro bono work, especially the ones who
are working in the workcover industry, its not as if they are not making
enough money to do a few harder cases is it!

It would be nice to have a law firm with some balls who is willing to stick
up for all those injured workers who have not seen their natural justice
for their injuries simply due to the cost of the legal action.

We deserve compensation for our injuries too!

Maybe we all should chip in and buy them all a can of "harden the fuck up!"

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