Monday, 13 April 2009

BHP suspends rail services at Nelson Point operation

BHP Billiton has suspended rail services at its Nelson Point operation in
Western Australia, after a worker was injured by a train.

In the past eight months five workers have died on BHP Billiton iron ore
sites in the Pilbara and company spokeswoman Samantha Evans said today
the latest incident was being taken seriously. “We have got a full
investigation team mobilised and travelling to Nelson Point today to start
a thorough investigation,” Ms Evans said. “All the yard activity at Nelson
Point has been suspended at this stage.” It is understood a worker was
treated at the site and taken to hospital for observation after the incident
this morning and was later discharged.

Last week, WA Mines Minister Norman Moore ordered BHP to stop work
on sites issued with breach of practice notices, after 12 such notices were
issued in two weeks.

On April 1, BHP iron ore president Ian Ashby apologised for the fatalities
and said the company was doing everything possible to identify the causes.
A state government report into BHP’s safety procedures at its Pilbara
operations is expected to be completed by the end of this month.

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