Saturday 7 March 2009

VTHC - Review of the Victorian Accident Compensation Act 1985 – June 2008

The Hanks Review was finally made public on 26 September after being
received by the WorkCover Minister, Tim Holding, a month earlier.

The final report of Mr Peter Hanks QC into changes to the 1985 Accident
Compensation Act only confirmed the VTHC's fears.

On releasing the report and reviewing its contents, the Minister for
WorkCover stated: "... we have the best workers compensation system
of any jurisdiction in Australia..."

If it's the best, why does WorkCover:

Have the 2nd lowest return to work rate in Australia?
Have the 3rd lowest long-term return to work rate in Australia?
Have the highest percentage (18%) of injured workers that are either
sacked or retrenched?

If it's the best, why does WorkCover:

Spend less on rehabilitation for individual injured workers that any other
Have agents who rate the lowest in Australia for services to injured workers
such as helpfulness, accuracy of information, attitude, communication and
advising workers of their rights?
Have the highest number of disputes over claims?

If its the best, why does WorkCover:

Have a system of weekly payments to injured workers that is so outdated
that even Peter Hanks QC says in his report to Minister Holding that it was
too big a mess for him to fix? He says it needs its own urgent inquiry to
solve its problems such as under-compensating workers.

Mr Hanks has made 150 recommendations for change. Although some
will improve the system many will make it much worse for injured workers.

WorkCover is the wealthiest system of workers compensation in Australia
with $10.3 billion in reserves through investments. Since 2004 it's cut
employers' premiums by 45% saving them $2 billion. Despite WorkCover's
profits and its gifts to employers, it still fails to provide quality care for
injured workers.

Here's How!

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