Wednesday 18 February 2009

Truck driver crushed to death

February 18, 2009
Article from: Australian Associated Press

A TRUCK driver was crushed to death when a load of coal was tipped on the
cabin of his vehicle at a NSW mine, police said.

The 59-year-old Singleton truck driver arrived at the Lemington Road
coal mine at Ravensworth, near Singleton, in the Hunter Valley at about
2.20am (AEDT) today.

"The coal loaders' chute was activated a short time later, dumping a large
amount of coal onto the cab of the truck," police said.

"The truck driver was crushed in the incident and died at the scene."

Forensic police and Department of Primary Industries officials are investigating
the incident.

A WorkCover NSW representative is due to visit the scene today.

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