Friday 3 October 2008

Express your WILL to an elected representative

The following is an extract from a book titled "Your Will Be Done"
by Arthur A Chresby.

It is a simple, non technical, beginner's book of the true legal functions of the
Queen, Governor General, State Governors, Parliament, Parliamentarians,
and the People.

Many people think that they are a voice lost in the wilderness. They see a
problem and know many people who see the same problem, however they
don't know how to go about taking an effective action and getting a politician
to take notice and act.

To quote Arthur Chresby - "It is your legal duty and obligation,
and yours alone, to keep your Members and Senators fully
informed, at all times, of your 'WILL". That is your true lawful
relationship with your Members and your Senators."

What Is The Correct Relationship of an Elector to a Member of

The sole reason for the existance of Parliament

The whole system of Parliament, and the SOLE reason for its existence, is to
make laws for the people, with the clear Implication that those laws will reflect
the WILL of the people on the subject matter of those laws.
By those legal implications you have a lawful duty and obligation to keep your
Members and Senators fully informed about what your WILL is upon any issue
or matter that comes before them in their Houses of Parliament, or that should
come before them.

It is only when you fulfil that lawful duty and obligation that your Member and
Senators can properly fulfil their judicially defined function and duty in their
houses of Parliament. If you do not fulfil your lawful duty and obligation, if you
do not keep your Members and Senators fully informed of your will on any issue,
then you cannot blame them for what they do. You have only your own laziness
or indifference to blame.

How to correctly inform of your will

How do you correctly inform your Members and Senators of your WILL?
It is so simple that only laziness and indifference ON YOUR PART stops
It from working. Yes, it is so very simple, and here is an example: Suppose,
for instance, you believe that income tax should be halved and sales tax
completely eliminated. You write, in this case, AN INDIVIDUAL letter to
your Federal Member, and each one of your State Senators, such as this:

Example 1:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I know that it is my duty to keep you informed of MY WILL on anything that
comes before Parliament, or that should come before Parliament.

IT IS MY WILL that you take immediate action to include all Victorian Workers
in any decision making regarding the recomendations made in the Hanks Report
before, any action is taken by the Government or Worksafe Victoria.

Yours faithfully,

Workcover Victims
(insert your full name, address and date, as legal evidence that you are
a constituent.)

Should your Member or Senators try to side step (and some of them are
extremely adept at doing this) or tell you what their party is or is not doing,
you simply write back and say:

Example 2:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I repeat that, in accordance with my lawful obligation to keep you informed of
MY WILL, I again inform you that it is MY WILL that; you include all Victorian
Workers in any decision making process by either the Government or Worksafe Victoria regarding any of the changes recomended in the Hanks Report.

Yours faithfully,

Workcover Victims
(insert your full name, address and date, as legal evidence that you are a

Don't enter into written argument with a politician, for many politicians are
past masters in the art of avoiding that which they don't want to face up to,
and become experts in manipulating words to their benefit.

Although the majority of politicians would never publicly admit it, what worries
them most - irrespective of majority or party - is the percentage trend in
electorate thinking that is shown by the number of simple straight letters
clearly expressing THE WILL of the elector signing the letter.

An illustration of the above point

To illustrate the above point further: Opinion polls claim to reveal THE TREND
of public thinking BY ASKING SIMPLE QUESTIONS of a given number of people
selected at random, and, more often than not, the trend shown is reasonably
THE OPINIONS of people, and people can change their opinions as often as they
change their clothes.

The principle of percentage trends in electorate thinking as shown by the
above simple straight MY WILL letter Is an entirely different thing, and
certainly leads to greater accuracy, for politicians know from experience that
if one of their electors sits down to write such a simple " IT IS MY WILL"
letter, then that elector is not expressing a mere opinion, but knows what he
wants and says so in a no nonsense way. It is doubly impressed upon the
politician's mind if, after trying to side track the elector, he still gets back a
straight "IT IS MY WILL”

Experience of the various techniques used in opinion polls, and the evaluation
of same, reveals that one such "IT IS MY WILL letter indicates the
mathematical probability that a MINIMUM of four (4) other electors are of the
same conviction but have not written.

Even the least intelligent politician, where his Seat Is concerned, can multiply
by four (4) the number of such 'MY WILL letters he receives, and if he gets
two or three thousand such letters he will know that he is going to come up
with a mathematical stomach twisting figure showing that he is not in tune
with his electorate.

Self preservation, even with a party ridden politician, is always of the highest
motivating priority to that politician, and, as the long experience of the former
Queensland Parliamentarian, Senator lan Wood, has proved, time and again,
a political party thinks many times when trying to remove a determined straight Parliamentarian who has electorate thinking behind him. (Senator Wood
fulfilled his judicially defined function and duty and refused, consistently, to
bend to party pressures.)

On a subject like the drastic reduction of income tax, and removal of sales tax,
it is obviously something on which most people will have strong convictions,
not mere opinions. Thus, it requires only a few ordinary people to get together
in their various electorates and, after writing their own "MY WILL letters get
out amongst friends, relatives, acquaintances and others in their own electorate
inviting them all to write such "MY WILL" letters to their Federal Member and
State Senators. Such determined ordinary people also have relatives and friends
in other electorates and can invite them to do likewise.

Thus, in no time, the work of, say 3, 4, 5 or 6 people can spread like wildfire
through the electorate, especially when most people are incensed over one thing.
To get two or three thousand individually signed "MY WILL" letters is not a
hard task for such ordinary determined people.

Ordinary people have the legal privilege

It must never be forgotten that ordinary people have the legal privilege, if they
wish to exercise it, of quietly approaching relatives, friends, acquaintances and
others inviting them to write such " MY WILL" letters to their Member and
Senators. It requires no committees, no resolutions, no street marching, no
formation of groups, bodies or associations with all sorts of names and titles.
No constitutions, no minutes, no wasting of hours in fruitless arguing and
discussions, no presidents, secretaries or treasurers.

All that is required is that an individual with a determination to act lawfully
to right or alter something he doesn't like, and with the initiative to do so, is to
write his "MY WILL" letter, show others and encourage them to do likewise.
There are a multitude of issues upon which people have strong convictions and
the simple "MY WILL" letter is their lawful simple way of telling their M.P.

It is your personal responsibility

Don't argue that it will not work, or that people are stupid. If you feel strongly
enough about something, don't just moan and talk about it, write your
not someone else, nor those never identified "THEY OUGHT TO DO
SOMETHING ABOUT IT". You have to be your own "they".

It is stressed again: it is your legal privilege, and your lawful duty, to
encourage others, peacefully and quietly, in the manner outlined in this
Chapter. A Parliamentarian, armed with the written proof of the 'WILL"
of his electors, upon any issue, can completely ignore party pressures and
set about faithfully fulfilling his judicially defined legal function and legal duty.
He is free to be a Parliamentarian and not, as at present in most cases, a mere

Why you also write when a Parliamentarian pleases you
When your Members of Parliament, State and Federal, do something that
pleases you WRITE AND TELL THEM SO, as Members get plenty of abusive
letters and extremely few courteous ones. If a Member or Senator knows that
he is the centre of watchfulness from his area at all times he is left with no
alternative than to carry out his judicially defined function and duty, no matter
the protests and pressures of his party.

Thus, Politicians, secure in the knowledge of written electorate support,
possessed of the written "MY WILL", is freed from control of the party
manipulators, for the party has lost control over his voice and vote on all
issues on which the electorate has expressed its WILL. Wise politicians would
do well to continuously seek the written WILL of all their electors on every
issue and proposed legislation. After all they do have offices and a secretary in
their electorate, whilst Federal Members also have Research Officers, so they
have no excuse for not organising to seek the electors "WILL" before casting
their votes in their House of Parliament.

To sum up this Chapter:
It is your legal duty and obligation, and yours alone, to keep your Members
and Senators fully informed, at all times, of your 'WILL". That is your true
lawful relationship with your Members and your Senators.

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