Sunday 20 July 2008

Workplace Discrimination Case

Workplace Bullying - Settlement : $342,989.

The ACT Supreme Court, in Australia, has ordered British Aerospace to pay
$342,989 to former technician, Stig Haken Hellsing, who contracted a major
depressive illness, in part through having to work under a drunken night-shift
supervisor for several years during the early 1990's.

The management of the Tidbinbilla deep space tracking station were aware
of the situation but did nothing. The payout might have been much higher, and
possibly greater than $900,000, if the court's Master, Terry Connolly, had
accepted in full Mr Hellsing's claims, particularly that he was now permanently
unfit for work. Mr Hellsing gave up work in 1995, suffering the effects of stress,
after he had been forced to move to a day shift, at a much reduced salary, in
order to avoid his earlier request for a redundancy package. He had originally
applied for a redundancy package before Ryan had left. It was after Ryan's
departure that Mr Hellsing asked that it be withdrawn.
Mr Connolly said British Aerospace had admitted liability for Mr Hellsing's
condition and was not contesting his evidence.

Courtesy: Workplace Injuries Lawyers

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