Sunday 6 September 2009

Workcover Case Ruled Oppressive by Court - One Injured Worker stands up and wins

Well done Jeff ! We need more Injured Workers like you who don't give up!

Workcover can say what they like, they can do what they like, simply
because they have the upper hand financially.

This case has finally acknowledged that Workcover do not act legally or
morally and an $800,000 dollars in court costs certainly proves that.

Workcover has badgered Jeff to an unreasonable extent and for once the
courts have seen that and acted.

Workcover is not always right, they just have the money to say they are,
and always remember they also have to prove their allegations too.

I will also post the court document for you all to read (Jeff kindly
provided it)and maybe some of you can do the same as Jeff did fight for
your rights with a legal precedent backing you?.


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