Sunday 26 July 2009

Prisoner allowed to have sex with girlfriend in exchange for confession


July 25th, 2009

MELBOURNE - Police officers in Australia have now taken to solving crime
by offering their prisoners favours like sex with their girlfriends in exchange
for confessions.

According to evidence given by a prisoner to the Crime and Misconduct
Commission, the police picked him up from jail and took him for a drive
through the suburbs on Brisbane’s southside, reports the Courier Mail.
He was handed a list of unsolved break-and-enters, perhaps as many as
300, and he was told that he needed to admit to at least 20 to make his
reward worthwhile.

The police then collected the prisoner’s girlfriend, and delivered her to
Morningside police station, where they had sex and where the prisoner
injected himself with drugs his girlfriend brought.

The prisoner, called RI in the scathing report into police released this week,
was not the only person allowed to come and go from their jail cell.

Murderers and armed robbers were allowed out of custody: one to meet his
partner and young children in Roma Street Parkland for a play; another to
lunch at a swish riverside restaurant.

The revelations this week are terrible, but so is the response to them at
every level.

The Police Union decided to go in to bat for those police officers who were
subject to the report, not the 99.9 per cent of others who are honest and
law-abiding and who will be tainted by the accusations levelled at their

Commissioner Atkinson, who accepts responsibility for the misconduct,
has allowed many of those under a cloud to resign on full benefits. (ANI)

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