Tuesday 7 April 2009


From the Minister for Workcover
Tuesday, 05 August 2008

A record $1.1 million fine handed down to Fosters Australia Ltd by the
County Court today should serve as a reminder to every Victorian workplace
to constantly strive to keep their employees safe from injury.

Minister for WorkCover Tim Holding said while the fine was a reminder
of the strong financial penalties for safety breaches, employers shouldn’t
need to be fined to realise the importance of workplace safety.“Every
Victorian employer and employee should take heed from this example that
led to the death of a worker and a record $1.1 million fine for the business,”
Mr Holding said.“But it shouldn’t have to come to this to get people thinking
about safety.“While most workplaces do the right thing, there are some that
just don’t realise the consequences of getting it wrong.”Mr Holding said the
Victorian Government had invested in campaigns to remind Victorians of the
need to constantly review their safety obligations and whether they have met
them.“The most tragic aspect of this case is that a Victorian worker has lost
his life,” Mr Holding said.“It is worth reminding every workplace that WorkSafe
now inspects a Victorian workplace every 12 minutes.“Each serious offence
carries maximum fines of over $940,000 for companies and $180,000 for
individuals who put workers at risk of injury and fatalities.“While Victoria
continues to have the safest workplaces in the country, all employers and
employees must remain vigilant to ensure that everyone gets home safe at
the end of the working day.”

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