Tuesday 28 April 2009

New IR Laws

New industrial relations laws passed by the Federal Parliament on Friday
(20 March) are a major step forward for working Australians and the nation.

“Everyone involved in the Your Rights at Work Campaign and all those who
voted against WorkChoices will be relieved to see the laws pass through
Parliament.“We can take pride in what we have achieved."

The laws will provide working families with stronger rights and protection
in the economic downturn says the ACTU.

They give employees strong collective bargaining rights and represent the
beginning of a new era of industrial relations that promises to be good for
both working families and the economy.

ACTU President Sharan Burrow said the passage of the Fair Work Law
marks an historic moment in restoring workers’ rights.

“After a decade of attacks on working people by the Liberal and National
Parties the tide has turned,” said Ms Burrow.“While the Liberal Party
remains hopelessly devoted to WorkChoices, the Australian people want
workers’ rights restored.

Ms Burrow said the new laws would deliver:

Genuine rights for workers to collectively bargain and be represented by
their union.

Unfair dismissal protection for all workers — with workers in smaller
businesses having a longer qualifying period.

A robust new safety net of awards and national standards, along with a fair
and transparent process for setting minimum wages.

An industrial umpire with the teeth to safeguard workers’ rights.

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