Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Court Confirms another WorkCover Suicide

Isn’t it a tragedy that so many on WorkCover benefits choose to take their
own lives in despair.

There have now been 21 suicides in 5 years by Injured Workers trapped
on S.A. WorkCover benefits.

Given that only 4000 claims go onto benefits each year WorkCover would
only find out about suicides by those from within that group.

If we multiply 4000 x 5 years we get 20,000 people going onto benefits in
5 years.

The accepted rate of suicide in the general population is 11 per 100,000
WorkCover have recorded 21 suicides from that 20,000 representing
85 per 100, 000.

Almost 8 Times that of society at large!

That is a tragedy of the highest order yet WorkCover simply apply spin
to pretend it isn’t happening!

After 5 years being dragged through court by a callous and uncaring

I am sure the family of the Injured Worker know it is happening.

Posted by "Gary" on the workcover forum 05-06 - 2007

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