Wednesday 11 February 2009

Worksafe are training their Staff to be Cut-lunch Commandos!

Conference for
"Workcover Victoria, teambuilding with Corporate Commandos"
at Flowerdale Retreat Estate.
Can someone please tell me whats wrong with this picture?
Why is Worksafe Victoria training their staff with Commandos?
Are Injured Workers the ememy?
Does this mean that injured workers are at war with
Worksafe Victoria, once they have a workplace injury?
And I ask, how much does this little exercise cost Mr Tweedly and Mr Holding?
You are ripping off injured workers, but can manage to send your staff to
a training camp ran by of all things, commandos?
What do you honestly think your staff are getting out of these camps?
Further lessons on how to treat injured workers like crap!
This money would have been better spent on funding the 5000 injured
workers who have missed out on their common law right to compensation!
Not wasted on a idiotic exercises like War Games!
WAKE UP!!!!!!

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