Sunday 8 February 2009

Obstruct inspectors, go to prison says "Worksafe Victoria"

released: 4 June 2008

WORKSAFE has warned that obstructing inspectors, verbal or physical
assaults will not be tolerated and that preventing them from doing their
job will be followed by investigation or possible prosecution. Four inspectors
were allegedly obstructed in three separate incidents on Thursday and Friday.

Police were called to one matter at a Pascoe Vale South, in Victoria. WorkSafe
inspectors have the right to enter workplaces at any time to ensure safety
standards are maintained, WorkSafe’s executive director John Merritt said.

“We will not tolerate any effort to prevent our inspectors from doing their job,
” he said. “For obstruction, the courts can fine individuals up to $6,450 for
obstructing inspectors while companies can be fined $33,000.

“For assault, intimidation or threatening an inspector, a two year prison
term is possible along with fines of nearly $129,000 for companies or
nearly $26,000 for individuals.

“We know most Victorians support the role of WorkSafe and our objective
to ensure all Victorians get home safely at the end of the day.
That right includes members of our team. “They understand that inspectors
have a job to do; they are enforcing the law and we view seriously any
attempt to interfere with it in any way.”

WCV's: So if this is true worksafe, why wasnt my partners employers
fined or imprisioned if there is a zero tolrance to obstruction?

I have evidence of their obstruction with inspectors and have complained
about it repeatedly and nothing has been done?

So is worksafe really serious about this issue? I dont think so!
Let us know your thoughts and stories.

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