Monday 23 February 2009

A little Lindberg History

November 1999: former AWB CEO Andrew Lindberg removed as WorkCover
CEO after new Bracks government announces $176m operating loss for
1998-99 in what many regarded as a political stitch-up.


Lindberg Joined the AWB in 2000 and this is his bio.

Mr Lindberg was appointed Chief Executive of AWB on 3 April 2000.
He has broad senior executive experience in the private and public sectors,
having worked in the manufacturing and insurance industries, industry policy
and health and safety.

Mr Lindberg has led landmark public sector financial reforms, including
significant privatisation, outsourcing and restructuring.
Before joining AWB, Mr Lindberg was Chief Executive at the Victorian
WorkCover Authority for seven years.


WCV's: They should also have stated that he was sacked from worksafe after 7
years and left it in debt to the tune of $176 million!

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