Friday 1 August 2008

Workcover wont help injured workers, but they will sponsor the footy!

Any injured worker who was unlucky enough to be injured before October
19th 1999, has been left out of the new common law changes.

Mr holdings office has told WCV's that the reason they were left out of the
new changes is because the government couldn't afford to include them as
there wasn't enough funding.

Mr Holdings office also said, that there was nothing they could do about
this either, yet on December 1st 2007, Mr holding announced via a media
release that the government would be sponsoring the football.

How can the government sponsor football to the tune of 1.2 million and then
tell workcover victims that it doesn't have the funds to support the injured
workers from the Kennett era? Is this for real?

Does Mr Holding care more about football than injured workers?

If the government cannot afford to look after the injured workers for Kennett's
stuff ups then it has no right to be sponsoring football either.

That 1.2 million being given o football could make an injured workers life
substancially better by ensuring that injured workers receive their right to
justice for workplace injuries.

Sponsoring the football when workers are suffering physically,financially and
emotionally from their injuries is bad enough, but also having an inability to
claim common law for your injuries is cruel and unreasonable.

If they are going to include one group they should include us all!
This is discriminatory treatment from a government who doesn't give a
bugger about its injured workers!!!!!

But, I bet they all got paid this week?

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