Wednesday 6 August 2008

Obstruction can lead to jail sentence

WORKSAFE Victoria is investigating three separate alleged obstructions to
its inspectors during the end of May.

Police were called during the 30 May 2008 incident at a construction site at
Pascoe Vale South. Another obstruction incident had occurred on the same site
on 29 May, and a third happened on the afternoon of 30 May at a residential
care facility in Melbourne’s west.According to the workplace safety authority,
its inspectors have the right to enter workplaces at any time to ensure safety
measures are maintained.

It warns employers obstructions can lead to criminal prosecutions.Individuals
can be fined up to $6450 for obstructing inspectors, while companies can be
fined $322,000.

If assault, intimidation or threats occur against the inspector,
a maximum two year prison term is possible, along with fines of $129,000
for companies or $26,000 for individuals.

WVC's: why doesn't worksafe care as much about their injured workers
who have suffered with workplace bullying as they do their inspectors?
I dont see worksafe jumping all over employers who have already been
accused of this very issue?

Come on worksafe you have to learn to play fair!

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