Sunday, 1 June 2008

Injured Worker Case 4

Man has wall fall onto him and has severe back injuries.

When I met him he was attending the medical panel in Melbourne. He was in a full body brace and on crutches and obviously severely injured.
He said that he had already been there twice before! I asked him why he was there again and he said that they keep cutting off services and want to access his injury again. He then told me his story about how his day commenced and this was what he said:
He lived about 2-3 hours from Melbourne. He had to leave home at 5.30 am to make the trip down as he has to stop every hour to get out of his car due to being in too much pain to drive for long periods of time. I asked him did he have a partner that could have driven him and he said he did but she has already been warned by her boss ,that if she took any more time of work to take him that she would loose her job so, she couldn't come. He said both of his young daughters had to be left with his mother early in the morning and that both were upset when he left.
He told me that his wife has to keep working due to his loss of income and that they just can't afford her to loose her job or they would loose their home.

Now, what are workcover thinking by doing this to this family, don't they think that they are suffering enough already!
No, it seems workcover like to inflict pain and more suffering onto their claimants, how cruel can they be by putting this man through the extra pain to attend a panel for the 3rd time?
What else could they possibly need to know, that they don't already, I mean to say!

He had a wall fall on him what else does he need to do to prove his injury and receive what his is entitled to!

He is also another injured worker who has no common law rights to claim and where does that leave him in years to come, at least if he had common law rights he could pay off his home and secure his family!!!! Shame on you Mr Holding.

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