By Yoni Bashan
The Sunday Telegraph
August 09, 2009 12:00am
A CONVICTED conman who claims to be a doctor has been discovered working
for the NSW Government - treating police officers and public servants with
trauma and psychological injuries.
Detectives from Harbourside Local Area Command are investigating David
Ali Sarikaya, 45, after a complaint was lodged against him by the NSW
Medical Board.
Detectives raided his Milsons Point unit and office at the Sydney Trauma Clinic
in the CBD on July 31, seizing hundreds of documents and patient files.
Sarikaya lives and works in NSW under the alias Dr David Kaye and has been
authorised by WorkCover NSW to treat a range of people, including police
officers, prison guards and senior legal figures.
He changed names and moved to NSW more than a decade ago after being
convicted and charged of fraud in Victoria. Despite lacking medical credentials,
Sarikaya was appointed an "official visitor" for NSW Health, which has allowed
him to consult with psychiatric patients in hospitals for the past two years.
In March 2007, after passing a written application and interview, he was
approved for the position by then health minister John Hatzistergos.
The confidential accreditation signed by Mr Hatzistergos, and sighted by
The Sunday Telegraph, granted Sarikaya access to mental facilities and the
right to inspect patient records.
About six weeks ago he withdrew from the program after concerns were
raised about his credentials.
The revelations have deeply embarrassed departmental officials, who last
week called for a meeting with police to clarify details about his identity.
The NSW Medical Board refused to comment on complaints concerning
Sarikaya, but were aware of a police investigation.
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Sunday, 30 August 2009
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I was a colleague of David Kaye and worked with David between 1997 and 1999 when he was the Head and National Manager of The Bensons Group Injury Management Service, a WorkCover Approved Occupational Rehabilitation Provider in NSW, Qld and Victoria. I am now Barrister at the Victorian Bar. I am very upset at the smear campaign and post this blog to set the record straight. I have extracted the information in this blog from other blogs, the media, court records and lawyers in the know.
David Kaye PhD ClinMACA is the creator of Strategic Outcome Focused Therapy, "S.O.F.T. Thouch Therapy" in short. David has spent 25 years working as a professional counsellor and psychotherapist. He undertook undergraduate and post graduate training in psychology and counselling, worked for over 10 years under the professional supervision of eminent psychologists and psychiatrists, conducting assessments and providing professional counselling and psychotherapy services to thousands of people, David spent 6 years researching and writing his doctoral thesis which was awarded on 8 February 2000 and subsequently became a basis for his book Crossroads: Your Journey Within.
This is contrary to the false information fabricated and perpetuated about David Kaye. For their own reasons a number of sociopathic and malicious people have sought to collude to cause damage to David Kaye personally and professionally. This nasty smear campaign has been done in the most sinister and malicious manner with very little regard for the consequences to David himself, his family, friends and equally importantly to his hundreds of traumatised patients. For example, David Kaye is not a fraud Doctor or Psychologist. This was an attempt to criminalise voluntary work that David Kaye did for 2 years and all charges brought against him by an officer- against whom David had filed a formal complaint with the NSW Police Integrity Commission on 5 July 2009 for attempting to extort $30K from him on 3 July 2009- were withdrawn due to lack of evidence. In fact, The NSW Health Professionals Registration Boards appointed Mr. Lou Saperas, the Manager of Investigations & Inspections to conduct a thorough investigation and after formally reporting to the Board at 2 meetings to make a determination on this matter on 31 August and 6 October 2009 the Board concluded that David Kaye had not represented himself falsely as a psychologist.
To my knowledge, David Kaye has done voluntary work in various private and government positions for over 23 years. Civic duty cannot be criminalised to perpetuate personal smear campaigns by shabby would be journalists and public office holders who have a duty to protect the public interest.
However, since 25 June 2009 and more so since 4 August 2009, a number of unethical, incompetent and disgraceful social parasites such as Yoni Bashan, Lisa Muxworthy, Boel Erricksson and Brendan Hills have published false information about David Kaye and they should be ashamed to refer to themselves as a "Journalist" which they are not. They are akin to a pack of rabid dogs, all housed under the same roof of a kennel called Nationwide News and they continue to infect everything with their dishonesty, deception and virulent diseases under the guise of journalism and public interest and call it a story. In fact, they are no more than pawns in a complex smear campaign to cause as much personal, professional, social and financial damage to David Kaye as possible. These cowards lack decency and publish unchecked false information that lacks research and truth. They are malicious, lack journalistic integrity and show a reckless indifference to the truth. They are fabricators of lies, deception and misinformation with an absolute disregard for the consequences of their dirty work.
Friends of David Kaye
I was referred to Dr. David Kaye but my GP and was treated at his Sydney Trauma Clinic between 2001 and 2004. My boss was killed in an industrial accident and after I lost my job things were never the same. I was depressed and suicidal. Dr. David and his team took care of me and my family and saved my life. I have nothing but the highest regard for Dr. Kaye's compassion, skills and professionalism. He never told me he was a medical doctor or psychologist. He told me that he employed psychologists and various doctors. He told me he was a psychotherpist and trauma consultant. He also gave me a copy of his book Crossroads which clearly stated that he was a Counsellor and Psychotherpist.
I am very upset at the malicious attacks on Dr. Kaye and suggest to those cowards who are maliciously attacking him to be careful as they may need him one day.
Since the false information has appeared in the media I have contacted Dr. Kaye and offered my full support. I have tried to contact this nasty hack called Yoni Bashan to give him a piece of my mind but he hung up on me several times. You can hang up the phone Mr. Malicious Yoni Bashan but you can't hide for the rest of your life. get off your lazy fat arse and do some research and investigation before you write misleading, deceptive and dishonest shit in your paper The Sunday Terrorrgraf.
I am a retired Psychiatrist and worked with David Kaye for the NSW Official Visitor's program. I am very angry about the malicious smear that has appeared in the media about David.
David is not a conman, fraud psycholgist or doctor.
I was very impressed with David's theoretical knowledge in psychology, his clinical skills, his professionalism, compassion and his interest in his community.
As far as I am aware 100% of the allegations by Yoni Bashan and his shoddy colleagues at the telegraph and the Mosman Daily is false, misleading and deceptive. The false allegations have been proven to be false as all 28 charges against David were withdrawn due to lack of evidence.
These nasty journo's have done so much damage to David Kaye yet, they do not have the backbone to even retract all the false information they have published in the internet about David Kaye.
This is the true nature of malice.
I would highly recomend david to anyone who has genuine need for therapy.
I am a personal injury lawyer and have worked with clients treated by Dr. David Kaye. To my knowledge, David has never represented himself falsely as a medical doctor or psychologist. He owns, runs and operates a trauma clinic. I have known him as a Psychotherpist and as his business card inidcates, a Trauma and Injury Management Consultant.
I am appalled by the heavy handed and nsaty smear that has appeared against David in the media solely by Nationwide News Journalists.
I wonder what their motivation and agenda is? Who is benefitting from their unprofessional, defamatory, rascist and malicious falsehoods? Why have these same journalists not corrected their false statements when the prosecution has withdrawn all the allegations against David?
I think that all injured wortkser and thye community should boycott all Nationwide News papers, inlcuding the daily telegraph, the sunday telegraph and their national menace arms, the mosman daily and all the papers associated with this company.
They have destroyed an honest and competent man's professional, social and financial means and now wnat to just forget their role in the dirty work.
This is unacceptable and morally repugnant.
I was referred to Dr. David Kaye by my workers compensation insurer. I used to work in security. David and his team at Sydney Trauma Clinic saved my life. I went to see mor ethan 20 doectors, specialists, psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors and was even referred to see my employers staff support program. A colleague of mine shot himself in front of me. None of the professionals were able to help until I saw David. I owe him greatly and will never forget what he has done for me.
Can I ask all the hacks at Nationwide News to put their hands on their hearts (if they actually have a heart or a concsience for that matter) and ask why they have been so malicious towards this honest, hard working and compassionmate man. They should at least retract all the nasty falsehoods they have written about him for a start. I hope you all rot in hell.
I am atruck driver. I was referred to Dr. David Kaye at his Sydney Trauma Clinic by my GP after I witenssed a head on collission that killed a few people.
I am very angry at the nasty attacks on David. I have seen the media reports on the internet and also know about their dirty work with the detective he made a complaint against who I am sure is behind this.
I am really pissed off at Yoni Bashan and his shoddy friends at nationwide news who seems to think it is ok to ruin a man's life without doing any checks or research and flasely publishing dodgy police reports by a corrupt detective. I hope I never meet Yoni Bashan who has done so much damage to someone who saved my life when no one else could help.
I have nothing but the highest regard for David Kaye and would recomend his services to anyone who is serious ab out recovering from their work injury.
Former patient of David Kaye
This person should've been in prison a long time ago. His lies and criminal behavior have continued to hurt people for years, he's incapable of changing and will remain a true sociopath. The next stop for Sarikaya will be abroad where he can do this all over again, afterall he's incapapable of anything else.
Incapapable! Learn how to spell you moron and stop attacking honorable people who have dedicated their lives to helping others. I was a patient of David and he saved my life and my family. Go and read his book Crossroads: Your JJourney Within and maybe you might learn a thing or two.
Yoni Bashan,
You are a racist, anti-semitic social parasite. I am personally going to hire a private detective to do a background investigation on you. Watch this space you sick psycho and stop peddling in lies and smearing people.
M Kramer
Go to hell Sarikaya, you convicted criminal fraud! All you've ever done you're whole life is LIE!!
Sick, socially parasitic psycho All you're entitled to is prison, where you can try your luck again at forging a few friendships..
God you're a vile, nasty bullshiter, go stew in the crap you've created and stop the idiotic drivel!!
Blogger August 19, 2010 8:38 PM You are a nasty little person who has nothing better to do than peddle in lies.
You have no idea what you are talking about and obviously need urgent treatment for your compulsive tendency to lie.
You have never met the man and know nothing about him yet hide behind anonymity and fabricate lies and smear him.
M West Melbourne
Yoni Bashan, I will tell you this If I have to spend the rest of my life searching you out and show9ing the community what kind of a nasty smearing scumbag you are it will be time spent worthwhile. You are a social parasite. Your mother was no doubt so ashamed of you that she "SHAT" you out you spineless crap.
M Kramer
Keep your nasty crap for prison SARIKAYA.
You are one very sick fuckwit!
Blogger August 24, 2010 9:40 PM You are a sick moron. Get some help and check your facts. You are nothing but a pathetic excuse for a human being. Check your facts you sick psycho!
M Kramer
Ultimately, it is the victorious who get the opportunity to write their version of history and have the last laugh!
D Yellowstone Melbourne
Absolute rubbish! This deluded maniac Sarikaya is a greedy self centered narcissistic fraud. Everything that comes out of this long time convicted criminal's mouth is a lie!
His deceptive nonsense has gone on for far too long.
He's never to be trusted, ever, period!!
Hey Sarikaya, how are the bookings going for the sex farm in Bega? I'm so jealous..Greedy fool!
Bloggers September 4, 2010 11.52 AM and September 10, 2010 12:48 PM you people make me sick. Look I don't know David Kaye but you guys need some serious help. For your own sake go and get some help urgently.
M Ward
Good one Sarikaya! That M Ward sounds idiotic and he doesn't even know you?? Guess you have that effect on certain types of fools..
Onya jail bird!!
A former 'patient'
Anonymous said...
Ultimately, it is the victorious who get the opportunity to write their version of history and have the last laugh!
D Yellowstone Melbourne
Bookings for the sex farm in Bega will now be handled by the good Dr's wife and presumably in the future as well, as he'll tied up for a while..
M Ward
Anonymous said...
These are the real culprits:
1. Helen Cook - Coles Supermarkets in bed with MJM Investigations.
2. MJM Investigations and NSW Fraud Squad Officer in charge of Detective Senior Constable Brant Jason James, North Sydney Police - Refer to Police Integrity Commission regarding this fellow's talents in demanding money from innocent members of the public and then framing them with false informations which he knows to be false.
3. Detective Senior Constable Brant Jason James - North Sydney Police - In bed with Yonni " I'm a racist anti-semitic baldy fagget" Bashan & Rabid Associates, Brendan "Gone for a walk over the" Hills and his sidekick, Ms. "I will get the facts right even if I have to fabricate them" Fyfe-Sumday and Everyday Telegraph, Boel Erricksson - Mosman daily and Jon Jay Ray Ray from the Conservative Nudist pedophiles Party.
M Kramer
NB:I feel sorry for all those pathetic losers who have nothing better to do than fabricate lies. Really people, have you nothing better to do than smear others?
I can't believe what I've been reading?
Who in the hell does this man think he is? This is just madness he's going on with, he's a very sick, sick individual indeed!
How long has this been going on?
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