Saturday, 11 October 2008

WorkSafe ads leave bosses steaming

Craig Binnie July 09, 2008 12:00am

BUILDERS have criticised a new WorkSafe advertisement they claim
portrays employers as dishonest and uncaring about workplace safety.

The television commercials, show a WorkSafe inspector approaching a
workplace, causing an employer to become anxious about unsafe practices.
When the employer asks why a machine does not have a guard on it,
a worker tells his boss that he told them to leave it off.

The Master Builders Association of Victoria's executive director, Brian
Welch, said Victorian employers met the best workplace safety
regulations in the country and did not deserve to be portrayed as being
willing to endanger their own staff.

"It is very concerning that WorkSafe's new commercials are implying
that employers only care about safety when WorkSafe inspectors
show up," Mr Welch said.

WorkSafe spokesman Michael Birt said the number of workplace accident
claims was increasing, especially in the construction industry.

"In the ad they didn't have a guard on the machine, which is one of the
major things that we find. They tend to rip people's arms off or cut them off."

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