Sunday, 1 June 2008

Email sent to Mr Holding May 31st 2008

Dear Mr Holding,

I have previously written to you regarding the behavior of the VWA with my husbands Workcover claim and at present waiting for your response.

One of my concerns is the reversal of the Kennett Law to October 20th 1999.

Can you please explain what will be happening for the workers injured before the above date as my husband is one of them. When will they be given the same common law chance as those injured after?

I find this legislation change discriminatory and would like to know what this government is going to do about this? Mr Bracks has now gone and his pre election promises to keep the Workcover levy low are no longer relevant therefore this legislation should be reversed to the date of Mr Kennetts changes from 1997 so as all injured workers have the same rights and recourse.

Please respond as soon as possible.

Kind Regards


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