Friday 5 March 2010

Basscoast Housing Crisis 2010

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What is the ANSWER to this situation? I am a single mother of 6 that has been given 4 months to find a new rental as my owner wants me to leave the house I have been renting in Cape Woolamai for 18months for 'no specific reason'. I have less than 2 months left, I have applied for dozens of houses, looked at houses that are over $400 a week .Even with my new job I cannot afford to pay over half my pay in rent.I need a house in wonthaggi ideally as I manage a store there but have also been looking at the island.How am I going to get one? Some agents have told their landlords they are asking too much..I have offered up to 350 a week ..which is still too high for me and I need to work 7 days a week to afford that. What is being done?? If I can't find a house before the 2 months is up I will be homeless and so will my children. I don't understand this, why can't someone step in and put a cap on how much landlords are permitted to is pure greed . If the desal plant had not offered their workers an exorbitant 'relocation' bonus , maybe the agents and landlords wouldn't have jumped on the greed band wagon. I lost one house to the mortgage company I can't fathom ending up homeless now.