Sunday 5 July 2009

"Toxic mould exposure case" said to be a legal first !

The Courier Mail.
Written by: Kay Dibben
July 05, 2009

A 31-YEAR-OLD Townsville mother of two is taking action against her
former real estate employer for allegedly exposing her to toxic mould.

Regina Senger, 31, says she first alerted her employer to sub-standard
working conditions almost a year before the company moved out of the

By then, Ms Senger says, she was experiencing serious health effects,
allegedly from breathing airborne mould caused by water getting inside
the building over a lengthy period.

Ms Senger, a projects manager, began working in a basement office of the
Townsville real estate agency in late 2007 and noticed a pungent mouldy
odour within weeks.

The odour became so intense that her colleagues avoided coming into
her office: "Mould was growing all over the carpet.

''My requests to move office, and concerns about the health of employees,
were ignored for months on end."

In February, a Workplace Health and Safety officer who inspected the
Townsville premises found serious water penetration problems and
fungal growth in the basement carpet.

Ms Senger says she suffers from a range of health problems.

The legal action over toxic mould is believed to be an Australian first,
according to Shine Lawyers.

Lawyer Rebecca Jancauskas said: "The employer and building owner were
on notice that they should be evacuating the building's occupants due to the
health risk, but failed to do so until just recently."

Mrs Senger said she quit her job after 18 months.

"Being forced to work under those conditions has had a serious impact on
my health and life," she said.

The lawyers have lodged a Workcover claim against the real estate company,
and have served the building owners with notice of a personal injury damages

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