Monday 6 July 2009

Smoking tax 'would be cash grab'

Sun Jul 5,

A pack of 30 cigarettes could cost up to $20 under the recommendations.

The Federal Opposition says an increase in the price of cigarettes would
be a revenue raising measure.

There are reports that the National Preventative Health Taskforce has
recommended increasing the tax on cigarettes to more than $20 for a
pack of 30 and moving to plain packaging.

The Cancer Council says it would welcome the Government adopting
such recommendations.

Opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull called for higher cigarette taxes in
his Federal Budget reply.

But the Opposition's Health spokesman, Peter Dutton, says if the
Government lifts the excise it would be a "tax grab".
"We've said for a long time and Malcolm Turnbull reiterated it in his
Budget reply speech that the Coalition does support an increase in the
excise on tax," he said.
"But this is a Government that is desperate for revenue.
"They haven't done it for health reasons, they haven't suggested this
measure for health outcomes, they've only suggested it because they are
desperate for cash."

Mr Dutton says if the Government raises the excise on tobacco it would be
similar to its alcopops tax.
"We've advocated since we've been in Opposition that the excise on tobacco
should go up further," he said.
"But this Government is not about addressing health issues, we saw that with
alcopops, we saw it with their private health insurance changes.
"This is a Government that is desperately trying to jack up taxes because they
don't have the means to pay for their spending."

Meanwhile, the Federal Government says no decision has been made about
whether it will put up taxes on cigarettes.

Minister for Government Service Delivery Mark Arbib says the Government
will respond to the task force after carefully analysing the findings.

"Governments have done a lot across the country in terms of fighting the health
affects of smoking so its something that we're committed to," he said.

WCV's: That's it I'm bloody furious!!!!! Smokers are being discriminated against
already with the prices and new laws, when is enough enough!

If they are going to raise the price of ciggy's then they had better do the same
with Alcohol and any other luxury items!

As a smoker, I'm sick and tired of the Anti Cancer Council controlling my life!

They are not a government department nor do they have any right to control
the price of cigarettes, so who do they think they are!

If I choose to smoke then, that's my choice, just like its their choice to
drink alcohol (I don't drink) but I'm not running off at the mouth about their
drinking and the cost to the health care system like the ACC is!

And as long as the Government is charging tax on them and getting their cut
then they can't go out-pricing them either that would be hypocritical now,
wouldn't it?

So to all those goody too shoes out there...mind your own bloody business!!!!

Australia is still a free choice country!

If you don't like it, then live somewhere else!!!!!

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