Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Worksafe Advertising

This advertisement is misleading. It makes it look like worksafe
supports workers when in fact, they don't!

If this dad was injured at work, worksafe would be using whatever
means they had to not pay him, and this would directly effect the
family unit, you see in this ad.

Worksafe would be attempting to reduce his entitlements to as little
as possible and under normal worksafe entitlment circumstances this
little girl and her family would not have been able to attend this
school play due to the lack of funds to get them there and more
than likely dads incapacity to attend.

If worksafes most important issue is to have this dad return home
each evening, why have they spent $38 Million dollars on fighting
injured workers via the court systems?

Why do they leave Australian families living under the poverty line
with their ridiculous step downs on payments?

If worksafe really cared about all workers then they would be providing
a more supportive system and not one that discriminates depending on
your workplace injury.

WCV;s beleives that; enough is enough !

We have suffered deeply already by idiotic Accident Compensation Act
legislation changes every 6 months for 7 years.

Most of these changes reduced worker’s entitlements to compensation
and we beleive that this government, should revert all previously changed legislation back to it's original condition so as, all injured workers
can claim their common law right to compensation for their workplace
injuries, just as workcover system was designed to do.

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