Saturday 28 February 2009

WARNING! Some Internet sites are ripping off Injured Workers

Workcover Victims Victoria was established nearly a year ago now to inform
and provide support for injured workers in Victoria .

The whole idea of providing this service was to support injured workers through
one of the toughest times they will ever experience, so we know the information
we supply needs to be available immediately and is up to date and free of any
financial commitment from the injured workers who use this blog site.
We have specifically kept this site as a blog so as, the information and support
we provide is always free of charge and has absolutely no costs attached.

We here at WCV's are constantly surfing the web and have recently noticed
that some sites are charging fees like memberships and or registrations.
We don't think that that is appropriate (workcover victims membership is free)
as injured workers are already suffering from extreme financial stress due to
their workplace injury and we here at workcover victims understand this,
so that is why our information, services and support networks are all free of
any charges.

Our point of view is, support should be free and come with no attachments
for the injured worker and we believe that if they are trying to charge you
either memberships or registration fees to use their sites then, they are not
truly supporters of the injured workers of Victoria but rather, money hungry
victim chasers looking to make a fast buck off the back, of the Victoria Injured
Workers, and for some sites without any experience in the industry, so always
check our site for the information and know it is up to date, free of charge and
is provided by people with many years of experience within this industry, and
will always be free so you can trust the ones who are there for the workers not
the ones who are just in this to make money for themselves!

We are also developing a blacklist of sites to stay clear from due to this very issue
so send us in your opinions on those you have already used, and those you have
found are charging injured workers to use their sites, and we will deliver the
figures as soon as we can.

Also bloggers a reminder to keep the Lawyer Blacklistings comming in, it is
becomming quite a feat to list all the information we are receiving, but its all
comming together gradually.We have been very excited on your responses
to this list.

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