Tuesday 16 September 2008

Email from another Injured Workers Family who's complaints have been ignored by the VWA

Complaints Handling Project VWA Complaints Policy
Posted by an Anonymous Reader.

Hi, I have to agree with you wholeheartedly!

Everything on their paperwork is made to look good, it has NO SUBSTANCE!
I have asked this question to workcover complaints many times! Who is accountable
when this is not followed? I still do not know!

Just when I think I cannot learn anymore illogical rubbish
about workcover up pops a new demented experience!

I deal with them on behalf of my partner who was injured at work.

We have fought with them for most of the time for retraining in non physical
work equal to the payment he was able to earn pre-injury. Which VWA assures
is his entitlement. In order to do this you must be on a partial work certificate
which enables them to delay all training until you are cut off payment.

Interestingly, their IME'S and a LOT can be said about those! Will NOT send
him back to his previous job but just love to throw in here say that maligns the
There is nothing fair just or humane about workcover! Their paper is not
worth the cost of ink for printing. Instead of retraining, this moronic vocational
assistant sends him mailings of so called appropriate very physical bottom
feeder jobs he cannot do and therefore sends his already depressed levels
and low self esteem plummeting to new lows!

What gets to me is EVERYONE who works in this system realises how disgusting
it is. Yet no one changes anything! I am sick of hearing yes just send a letter to
your state member of parliament. I have sent letters until I am blue in the face.
This is why, I believe that we ALL need to get together. BE SEEN BE HEARD.
Get in numbers and get things changed!

They do not even warn us of the truth before we are applying for claims!
They do not tell us even if we ever can work again that no one will employ us!
Who can understand the accident compensation act with all the back and forwards
revisions? Is that even close to ok?

The interesting use of the percentage of injury scale! How wonderful it is to
manipulate reality! How convenient! The no work capacity with a likelihood
to continue clause. Likelihood to continue? Oh sorry you are too young the
medical panel will not pass you on that. Too bad u cannot do physical work and
earn a decent living. Oh and the wonderful, you cannot appeal the medical panels
decision. Oh, they are not biased! Well who pays them? When does it end? Never,
if no one puts a stop to it. Class action? QC's helping the cause?

How is it that the majority of Australians have been brainwashed into thinking
all of this is merely put in place because of a couple of scammers on the system?
Were they even scammers? After this experience I really have to question the
manipulation of evidence in any of those cases. Surely if it was about the actual
injured employee's then the Government agencies wouldn't be profiting!

Wake up Australia... it so easily could happen to you!

WCV's response: This shows another injured workers families struggle to
survive in a system like workcover which has been designed to beat you
inside out!

Dear Reader:

You have hit the nail right on the head here with your statement of who pays
the medical panels, the doctors, the advisory service etc.... yep its the
government! I also believe that if your agency/department is being funded
by the federal or state government then your policies and procedures are not
impartial or fair to any injured worker in Victoria!

Worksafe uses procedures and policies derived from Parliament which is
government funded.

The VWA advisory service is funded by the government.

The workplace ombudsman's office is funded by the government.

The medical specialist we are made to see are paid for by the goverment.

Mr Holdings office is funded by the government.

So with all of your options covered by government funding how can worksafe
and its processes be impartial?

Even to a layman you can see that this system is not protecting the workers
nor is it showing any form of impartiality in its claim handling.

This work injury insurance system is a big scam when it is leaving its victims
physically and financially ruined.

All injured workers should be entitled to no fault workplace insurance.

All injured workers should be entitled to common law recourse.

All services that are required as part of the claims management processes
should be outsourced to unrelated companies whom can make a truthful and
impartial decisions on payments, not be left to government funded worksafe and
their paid providers.

We all know that doctors working for worksafe will provide unfavorable
reports on the claimants. We also know that they are paid exuberant amounts
of money by worksafe to see us and then that exuberant amount of money
also seems to give them the right to treat you like dirt and to pre judge
you and your injury!

Don't bother complaining to worksafe about the doctors behavior during
your assessment because worksafe will either completely ignore it or just
tell you its not up to them even though they (worksafe) are paying these
rude and arrogant doctors a fortune for a report based on prefabricated evidence
supplied by worksafe and in many instances unsubstantiated accusations and
a guilt before innocent verdict on your personality, your nature, your way of
life or just your look!

This is not fair and reasonable treatment of injured workers who are already
being screwed by an unfair and government coffer based system.

Worksafe show huge profits each year and yet we seem to be entitled to less
and less.

Mr Holdings office has told us here at WCV's that the reason injured workers
from the Kennett era are not entitled to common Law compensation is because
the government cannot afford to include us in the changes already made.

Injured workers are sick and tired of being ripped off by a government who
is clearly discriminating against injured workers of the Kennett era.

WCV's is calling for injured workers to register their interest in forming a
group to take legal action in this issue.

Please forward your interest to: workcovervictims@westnet.com.au

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