Tuesday 30 September 2008

Injured Workers have rights too we need to look deeper into this legislation.

Welcome to the Save Australia website


How to Express Your Will
Know and understand what your true Constitutional powers are, and how you can
lawfully use those powers to obtain the results you want your elected
parliamentarians to produce.

This site is dedicated to those Australians who wish to conserve the freedoms
provided to us by our founders and the authors of the Australian Constitution.

As individuals we are created by God and are under God, not under the government,
which is the creation of people. Government has limits on it, and those limits
are placed on it by the people (who have the ultimate authority over government)
and not the other way around. In Australia, it is the Constitution that sets out
the limits on government that the people consider appropriate.

Australia to a large extent has lost the purity and clarity of the freedoms
originally provided by the framers of our Constitution, and indeed
our pond has become very muddy.

The site is maintained by a loose association of Sovereign men and women
united in a common cause with the aid of the seven natural laws they were born with
to live, uphold and protect the rights provided by this country's founders, to
ensure that their fellow Sovereign men, women and children will retain those
rights and to become educated themselves about those rights.

"Quote". A Sovereign man/woman asks questions and gives direction.
A Slave answers questions and takes direction.

What you will find here
There are many who perceive that something is not right, but are unable
to source the correct information, or don't know how to initiate a response.
This site seeks to rectify that problem and to become a repository of
information for the benefit of all Australians.

You will find here material to assist you to educate yourself on your
responsibilities and equip yourself to uphold your rights and freedoms.

Please feel free to browse and use the material on this web site.

Finally, we thank you for your patience, parts of this site are still under

Quote:"To teach a man how he may learn to grow independently, and for himself,
is perhaps the greatest service that one man can do another".
Benjamin Jowett

Retrieved from "http://www.saveaus.info/index.php?title=Home"

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