Monday 23 June 2008

WorkSafe to crackdown on Victoria's workplace bullies

If this was stated December 14, 2001, why did it take another 3 years for
workcover to convict an employer of workplace bullying?

If workcover has received 1100 claims for workplace bullying as
Mr Merritt claims then I wonder, How many of the 1100 claims
did worksafe deny benefits too? and How many did they pay out on?

WorkSafe Victoria is apparently set to crackdown on workplace
bullies with the release of a draft code of practice for the
prevention of bullying and violence in the workplace.

WorkSafe Executive Director, John Merritt said employers
needed to tackle workplace bullies head on and ensure staff were
protected from workplace harassment and bullying."Unfortunately,
bullies often get away with it because their victims don't have the
support in the workplace to deal with the problem,". Mr Merritt
also said "When bullying goes unchecked it just gets worse," and
for those of us who have experianced workplace bullying know,
that it gets much worse when worksafe dont act on workers
complaints of workplace bullying although, we all know thats
so they dont have to pays us!

Mr Merritt said "In the last financial year alone, the Victorian
WorkCover Authority has received 1100 claims for compensation
as a result of workplace violence, harassment and bullying.
"These claims represent serious workplace pain and stress which
is completely avoidable," Mr Merritt said. "And sadly, we know
that bullying is heavily under reported so the true level of
workplace bullying and harassment is likely to be much higher
than this. Workcover Vicitms know that the reason for this is
because worksafe dont act on workers complaints of workplace

Mr Merritt said that "On top of the human cost of bullying and
harassment there was a significant economic cost.
The Authority estimates the 1100 claims received last year
will cost more than $26 million in workers compensation
payments over the life of the claims" and I for one find that
comment hysterical because worksafe dont pay workplace
bullying claims; they deny them!.

"The draft code aims to help victims of bullying to understand
their rights and give guidance to employers to stop bullies in
their tracks," he said. "We are seeking public comment on the
draft code of practice to make sure we get strong public support
behind the best solutions to this growing problem."
"Bullies need to be stopped and they can be if employers and
workers join forces to prevent workplace violence and bullying.
"Mr Merritt said the best way to help reduce workplace bullying
was to create practical control plans to ensure bullies didn't get
away with it. But they are Mr Merrit, because worksafe have
been ignoring it for years, just look at the complaints worksafe
have received.

Those wanting a copy of the draft code of practice for comment
should contact WorkSafe Victoria in 9641 1333 or go to the
workplace bullying page.

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