Tuesday 10 June 2008

Industry Commission Report 1994

The Industry Commission developed a report showing a summarised rationale of the Common Law rights in workcover. They were as follows:

  1. Delays in Settlements
  2. Incompatibility with rehabilitation and return to work plans
  3. Discourages employers from improving safety
  4. Cost are extreme
  5. Lump Sum damages are either over or under paid
  6. Inconsistencies with the no fault scheme
  7. Workers rights are not being fulfilled
  8. Justice is not prevailing
  9. Damages are inadequate
  10. Finality is not shown
  11. Benefit levels are inappropriate

Why is the Government ignoring this report? The workcover victims certainly know about it!

Why haven't they been fully transparent with the public over this report? There are 11 serious points made above and no action being taken by any government department! Why not?

It been 14 years since this report was released and the system is still operating the same way!

Come on Mr Holding make the changes needed for this sytem to do its job efficently and fairly.

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